Pre-Planning — Allen & Dahl Funeral Chapel

Why Plan Ahead?

Consider how much better it would be for your family if you make these decisions in advance so that they won’t have to.

It is a curious thing that most of us take the time to plan for important events in our life such as a wedding, a family vacation or retirement. Yet we leave perhaps the most important event to our loved ones to handle at a time of great sadness and loss. 


Significantly Decrease the Emotional Toll on Your Family

When there is a death in the family there are many decisions that need to be made, both emotional and financial. It is difficult to imagine how stressful this can be unless you have experienced it for yourself. Did they want burial or cremation? Where would they wish their final resting place to be? Who should speak at their service and what songs should be played? These and many other permanent decisions must be made in a very short time and under less than optimal circumstances. By pre-planning these arrangements you can make this time of loss much more bearable for those you love.

allows you to Make Calm and Rational Decisions

Most of us would not choose to make important decisions during a time of stress and loss. Yet that is precisely the situation most of us find ourselves in when we get the call that a loved one has passed away. As you consider that inevitable situation, does it not make sense for you to make these difficult decisions while you have plenty of time and are thinking clearly about what your wishes are? And at the same time you can eliminate immeasurable grief for the ones you care about the most.

helps Make Sure Your Wishes Are Honored

Nearly all of the people in our life, even those with whom we are the closest, probably don’t know precisely how we would arrange our funeral. You can take all of the guess work out of the situation by making the plans yourself. Pre-arranging now, while you can still consult with your family and consider their input, provides the best of both worlds.

It is difficult for most people to understand the many decisions that have to be made when a loved one dies. A pre-arrangement plan is the simplest way to handle this important family responsibility in advance. We proudly offer Forethought Financial Group, Inc., financial products providing innovative insurance and financial solutions for families managing end-of-life needs.


Plan to be Remembered

Perhaps the most significant question you should ask yourself is; “How will the current and future generations of my family remember me?” Will they know how you lived and what was important to you? Will they recognize that their love for the theatre or their quiet kindness or their knack for fixing things might be traits passed on from you? Isn’t it amazing to consider that no one else lived a life just like yours? Which parts of your unique life do you hope your grandchildren and their grandchildren will recollect?


A Life Worth Remembering

Take some time now to think about specific characteristics or events in your life that define you. Maybe you eloped for your wedding. Maybe you toured Germany just before the war. Were you known in your town for your pumpkin pie recipe? Did you play in a band? Were there world events that made you particularly sad, happy or otherwise significantly affected your life? Is there a funny secret that no one in the family even knows that would be fun for them to learn after you’re gone? Now is the time to write down your memories and choose how you want to be remembered. Let us help you build that unique legacy that will live on forever.


Staying Connected to Your Heritage

Keeping your family’s story alive for generations to come can be one of the most important gifts you can give. As progress has allowed family members to relocate all around the world in ways that were not available one or two generations ago, technology like the Internet allows family members to stay in touch via email, texting and social network sites such as Facebook. What better way to bring the family together to reconnect and share than by creating an online family memorial?


A Lasting Memorial

One of the most meaningful trends in memorial services in recent years is the act of having a special memento to give to your loved ones at the service. It doesn’t have to be big or expensive, just something that was special to you that you are giving to a specific loved one. Some choose to give copies of something meaningful to a group of friends or family. You might write a letter to one, leave a figurine from your collection to another or give special signed prayer cards to a group. It could be a picture that has special meaning with a hand written note on the back. Whatever you choose it will be another way that your family can celebrate your life and keep your memory alive.

Memories and mementos can also be stored on your personal Internet memorial page. Pictures, letters and stories can all be memorialized on a site that also allows friends and family to visit whenever they choose or even write their own comments and recall anecdotes and special memories.

Call and let us assist you in organizing and distributing whatever memorial gifts mean the most to you. Keep your memory alive in your own special way. Now is the time to start planning how you will be remembered for generations to come.